How to Make an Anonymous Facebook Profile (and Why You Should)

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From a variety of online jobs to keeping in contact with loved ones, Facebook’s presence in our digital lives continues to grow. But what if you don’t want the privacy risks that a personal Facebook profile brings?

Read on to find out why you might want to make an anonymous Facebook profile and how to set one up…

Why Would You Want an Anonymous Facebook Profile?

There are a few reasons why someone may want an anonymous Facebook account, but they all usually have one thing in common: privacy.

Many people are concerned about Facebook’s privacy settings and violations. Making an anonymous Facebook profile allows you to keep fraudsters away from your personal information, like your real email address and birth date.

If there is ever a large data breach on Facebook, having an anonymous account could prevent you from becoming a victim of fraud. Because you haven’t used your real information to set up your Facebook account, this limits the chances of your personal data falling into the wrong hands.

It also frees you up from worrying about colleagues or acquaintances trying to connect with you on the platform. By having a completely anonymous profile, you don’t have to worry about choosing between surveillance from coworkers or snubbing friend requests from those in your office. You can share personal posts with those close to you.

While your friends will know who you are, the general public will not. You don’t have to worry as much about lurkers spying on your profile or a privacy breach exposing your personal information.

Another reason why a person may want an incognito Facebook account is so that they can be an administrator of a Page on the platform. Unfortunately, Facebook doesn’t allow you to act as an admin on Page without an account to tie it to.

For people who work in social media management or marketing, an anonymous account can save you from needing to link your personal profile.

How to Set up Your Anonymous Facebook Account

Making an anonymous Facebook account is very simple and quick. Truthfully, the more bland and barebones your name and profile picture is, the better. Your account is less likely to catch someone’s eye if you keep it simple.

1. Create a Burner Email Account

If you want to keep your Facebook account truly anonymous, the first step is to make a new email address. This ensures your login information for Facebook will not be tied to any of your personal information.

If you use your own email address to sign up for Facebook, it can be tied to your personal information—especially if you’ve used that email for other accounts. Make sure you use a name and email address that doesn’t contain any features of your real name.

Insert the information to set up your email account, making sure you don’t enter any of your real personal information.

2. Sign up for Facebook

When you sign up for Facebook it is important that you use an email address and not your personal phone number. If you use your phone number, this very important piece of data will be connected to your account—defeating the purpose of having an anonymous account on the platform.

To sign up to Facebook, make sure you’re logged out and visit Select the green Create Account button. In the mobile app, you can log out of your account (if you have a personal one already), and hit the blue Create New Account button.

3. Enter the Details for Your New Account

The details you enter into these fields are very important. Make sure you do not use your real name, email address, or birth date. By using only fictional data, you are ensuring none of your personal information will be tied to your new Facebook account.

Insert your new email address, a strong password, a fictional birthday, and preferred gender. Hit the Sign Up button.

When Facebook asks for access to contacts when signing up, be sure to click ‘No’. If you click ‘Yes’, you may show up on the ‘People You May Know’ suggestions for other Facebook users.

You now have a new incognito Facebook profile.

4. Select Your Profile Picture

Since it is the first thing people on Facebook see when deciding to interact with you or not, your profile picture is important. We would recommend choosing a picture that will not compromise the anonymity of your account, like a Facebook avatar or a generic photograph.

A Facebook avatar will allow you to conceal your identity and have some fun with your profile picture.

If you use a Facebook avatar, you can add some personality to your account, while still remaining anonymous. If you would like to make your own animated profile picture, make sure to read our guide on how to make a Facebook avatar.

5. Start Adding Your Friends

Remember the reasons why you created this anonymous Facebook account when you decide who to add to your friend list. Only add people that you trust—and people who won’t share your new Facebook identity with others.

Sometimes, people will notice the number of mutual friends they have in common with you and add you out of curiosity. Regardless of the reason, always be mindful of who you are adding and confirming on Facebook.

However, you may want to communicate with the people you are adding so that they know who you are.

We suggest sending individual private messages to your friends and family. This way they will know that the mysterious profile trying to add them is actually you under a pseudonym.

6. Confirm Your Account

Facebook will request that you confirm your account. You can do this by email or with a phone number and Facebook will send you a one-time confirmation code.

We strongly suggest confirming your account with your burner email address and not your real phone number. This will prevent any of your personal information from being tied to this incognito Facebook profile.

You’re all set. Enjoy the privacy and freedom of having an anonymous Facebook profile!

Keeping Your Profile Private

To keep your new anonymous Facebook profile incognito, avoid adding too many people you know, use a pseudonym for your username, and try not to comment or like too many of your real-life friend’s posts.

The key to keeping your profile anonymous is to be mindful of how you use your Facebook account.

Maintain Privacy Online While Using Social Media

An anonymous Facebook account is one of the many ways you can secure your privacy online and still participate in social media.

In a world where our personal information is up-for-grabs, you can create an environment where your privacy is protected.

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